Here Alan discusses who we really are. At the core. In essense!
Most of us go through life under the complete assumption that we are the
person, or bilogical entity that we walk through every day. Unaware that
we are a Drop of Universal Awareness. Connected to all other beings. Each drop comes from the
same ocean of consciousness.
I hope you enjoyed what Alan Watts had to say!
Our life here is a book with many chapters that we helped to write.
As we prepare to write the closing chapter, we may feel worried that
it is all ending. This single book is ending, but another is about to begin.
We may have become fooled into thinking this body and creature we inhabit
is it, but We each are part of the Whole. Consciousness itself is what we
truly are, and consciousness continues.
There is much inner joy to be found looking forward to what is comming next.
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